care leavers


Rhema group offers support to young adults transitioning into adulthood What we offer ASSESSMENTS This is to find out where the individual stage of basic life is at, to be be able to start building the progression from. In this stage we consider their development so far and the expected state they should be at. Most people leave care at age 16, 17 or 18. We are dedicated to work with those transitioning into adulthood in planning and supporting them in this transition. It is really important that before they leave care that someone sits with them about options for where you will live; whether this is looking into social housing, private renting, supported accommodation or shared accommodation and implement plan to assist them while they are with us.

Every service user is difference and their needs varies.


NETWORKING As an organisations we work with other network that are beneficial to our service users. We introduce our service users to other networks for them to achieve the set goals. TRANINING Will will offer support and training on Basic Life Skills to help our service users to live independently. That is as basic and help and supporting individuals to set up a bank accounts, shopping, cooking and cleaning to skills like; Employability and Building confidence

Our Story

Our organisation ensures a person-centred approach is taken to all planning and delivery of care and support.


We take into consideration assessment results and build a plan to implement. We conduct initial and diagnostic assessment in order to ascertain individual support needs. Once we have these we therefore put together an Individual person centred care or support plan. In doing this we core work with the young person. All young persons will be assigned a designated personal keyworker who directly work with the young person to ensure that their personal needs are met.

Our aim is that service users have choice and control over the services they access.


SUPPORT Every service user will have named support staff that sits with them on a weekly basis to talk our their struggles, achievements and request.. We offer support and training on how to manage finances. That is helping our service users how to manage their finances. We offers training to learn skills such as money management, that includes budgeting, wise spending, prioritising, bill payments and also who they can access finances; such as grants, bursaries for education, apprenticeship and work options, as well as how to apply for these benefits.

We support you in a way that you maintain your independence.

Get started with your enquiry today.